
Hey there!  My name is Tami.  I'm a mom of three beautiful kids (we all say that, right???) and wife to my hubs of over 20 years.  I'm one of those try-to-do-it-all moms (please note the word TRY).  I'm always busy, but I'm NEVER bored!  

This blog is dedicated to my love of knitting and crochet.  In 2006, I decided I wanted to learn to knit and I was hooked...speaking of hooked, a few years later I taught myself to crochet! Before I knew it, I started designing my own patterns.  I have so many ideas - I just have the challenge of getting them on paper or should I say, computer!?  

I'm so incredibly thankful that you stopped by to visit my site.  I hope you enjoy my quirky writing style and I hope you stick around to enjoy my upcoming projects!

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